Powerful Homemade Microscope

Shanmugarajan B

What is Microscope ?

Microscope is an instrument used to magnify the small things which are not visible to us through naked eyes. It's not clear who invented the first microscope, but the Dutch spectacle maker Zacharias Janssen (b. 1585) is credited with making one of the earliest compound microscopes (ones that used two lenses) around 1600. Today, in our post we will guide you to make a compound microscope.

Materials Required:

  • plano convex lens of FL = 12 mm , dia = 5.5 mm
  • Double Convex lens of FL = 15 cm ,dia = 75 mm
  • Basic DIY props 
  • Cardboard or PVC pipe of length of approx 15 cm and radius to fit the Double convex lens
  • Black Chart of length of approx 15 cm and radius to fit the cardboard or PVC made earlier 
  • Insulation tape

Take a cardboard or PVC pipe of length of approx 15 cm and radius to fit the Double convex lens. Glue the Double convex lens at one corner of the cardboard or PVC pipe designed. (Remember to coat the interior of the cardboard or PVC with black color)

Now take Black Chart of length of approx 15 cm and curl it to a radius such that it fits the cardboard or PVC made earlier.


Now take a square cardboard such that inscribes the circular region of the opening of black chart cylinder made. Poke a small hole of appropriate size and insert a the Plano convex lens in the hole shown below. Paste the square cardboard on one of the opening of black chart like shown below.

Insert the opening of cardboard or PVC pipe made earlier into the opening of black chart.
Your Microscope is ready. Focus on the object with Plano convex lens about 1 - 3 mm distance away from the object. And adjust the cardboard or PVC pipe by moving forth and back to focus the object perfectly.    


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