
Shanmugarajan B


Electric current:

Electricity is defined as the flow of electrons.

Electric current is defined as amount of charge flowing over a particular area per unit time.

Electric current (I) = amount of charge (Q) / time (t)

I =Q / t


The electric pressure (potential difference) across a wire helps the charge to flow.

This potential difference is measured as volt .

This potential difference is measured as volt in term of work done and charge.

Volt is defined as amount of work done to move the unit charge from one point to the another point.

Volt (V) = Work done (W) / Charge (Q)
V =W / Q ----- 1


We know that Power is defined as Work done by time taken.

P = W / t ------ 2

Equation: W = P t ---- from eq  2 we get eq 3

                W = V Q ---- from eq 1 we get eq 4

Equate eq 3 and eq 4

P t = V Q

P = (V Q) / t
P = V ( Q / t) 

P = V I ------- since Q / t = I

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  1. ē-, -ˈtri-stē plural electricities. : a fundamental form of energy observable in positive and negative forms that occurs naturally (as in lightning) or is produced (as in a generator) and that is expressed in terms of the movement and interaction of electrons. : electric current or power

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