Ant Mill / Death Spiral

Shanmugarajan B

 Ant Mill / Death Spiral 

Phenomenon in which a group of army ants which lose the track of pheromone and they begin follow one behind the another, thus forming a continuous rotating circle, popularly known as the death spiral or ant mill. Its is commonly called death spiral, because the ants may eventually die due to exhaustion.

Army ants: 

Army ants

The common name of these species are Army ants. Its a generic name used to describe over 200 species of ants. These ants move in large swarms targetting a prey such as large scorpion, lizards and other insects. Its is also remarkable to know that the deadliest army ant is bull dog. This ant located mostly in Australia is extremely aggressive and can kill a human in about 15  minutes by injection of venom.

Bull dog ants

There are four times of ant in the army ants.

  1. Workers
  2. Soliders
  3. Males
  4. Queen

Worker ants are primarily responsible for all sort of colony function

Solider ants are primarily responsible for the defense of the ant colony and also move for raids.

Queen  is the founder of the colony, her role is to lay eggs.

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