What are the first 20 elements? What is it's mass number? Trick to find mass number.

Shanmugarajan B

What are the first 20 elements? What is its mass number? Trick to find mass number.

Element - Symbol   (Mass number).

1. Hydrogen - H  (1)
2. Helium - He  (4)
3. Lithium - Li  (7)
4. Beryllium - Be (9) 
5. Boron - B   (11)
6. Carbon - C  (12)  
7. Nitrogen - N  (14)   
8. Oxygen -  O  (16)  
9. Fluorine - F  (19)  
10. Neon - Ne   (20)
11. Sodium - Na  (23)
12. Magnesium - Mg  (24)

13. Aluminium - Al  (27)

14. Silicon - Si  (28)

15. Phosphorus - P (31)

16. Sulfur -S  (32)

17.Chlorine - Cl  (35.5)

18. Argon - Ar (40)

19. Potassium - K  (39)

20. Calcium - Ca  (40)

How to find the mass number: (Just a trick, only for first 20 elements )

1. If atomic number (Z) is odd, then the mass number is 
                                                            (Z x 2) +1
2. If atomic number (Z) is even, then the mass number is 
                                                           (Z x 2) + 0
3. The bold elements are exceptional from the given tricks to find mass number 

4. The atomic number is the S.no (here).

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