Cells in different types of solution

Shanmugarajan B

Cells in different types of solution

Today, let observe a plant cell in different types of solution.

Different types of solution:

Hypotonic solution:
                 The concentration of water (solvent) is high than the solute. The water concentration is more than the cell.

Hypertonic Solution:
                 The concentration of solute is high than the water (solvent) content in the cell. The water concentration is lesser than the cell.

Isotonic Solution:
                 The concentration of solvent and solute is same in the solution. The water concentration of the cell and the solution is same.

What happen to plant cell?

Hypotonic solution:
                 As the water content in the solution is more than the cell, the water from the solution moves into cell by osmosis. So the cell becomes turgid.

Hypertonic solution:
                As the water content in the solution is lesser than the cell, the water from the cell moves out and the vacuoles of the plant cell shrinks.

Isotonic Solution:
               As the water concentration of both solution and cell is same, so there is no movement of water and the cell stays in the same size.  

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